Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Trusting God is a stabilizing experience

Trusting God is a stabilizing experience

We can’t know for sure, but from every indication David didn’t have the jitters when he went into battle. Why? Because he was stabilized by his trust in God. Again, no matter what situation we face in life, it always starts with where our eyes are fixed. Back in July, Nik Wallenda walked across Niagara Falls. Of course this is something that takes much training. However, there is another important factor in being able to complete this feat. He was able to complete this feat because no matter what issues he faced his eyes were fixed on one thing. I think this thought can also be illustrated by storms. A lot of times when it storms and rains, all we see are a sky full with clouds, rain, and lightening. However, if we took time to imagine seeing through the clouds, rain and lightning, we would see the sun shining. It is the same with the storms in our lives. All we see is the storms that are going on. However, if we look past the storms, the sun is always shining on the other side. Do we see as the world sees? Or do we see as God sees? Like David, we also stabilized by our trust in God.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Garden Somethin'..."

I called my mom on Mother's Day. 

I had rushed to the post office on Thursday morning to mail the greeting cards for my mother and grandmothers, hoping that they would get there in time (and they surprisingly did!!). 

Regardless, in our phone conversation, one of the things I asked her was, "did you get my card?"  To which she replied, "yes, and so did both of your grandmothers." 

She then went on to tell me about her recent visit with her mom and dad.  Apparently, she and my sister-in-law had taken all the kiddos up to see their great-grandparents a few weeks back. 

Now, my mom's parents always plant a huge garden every year.  Whenever I call to catch up with them,  there's always lots of talk about what's growing, how much they planted this year, and what things don't seem to be doing too well. 

So as you can imagine, when they all arrived that afternoon, there were gardening tools and plants laid out on the front porch as Papaw had apparently been working in the garden that morning.  Mom goes on to tell me that when they got out of the car, Luke, my little nephew, says to his great-grandpa, "Papaw, I want to garden somethin'!  Can I help you garden somethin'?" 

To my grandfather's delight, he led the whole bunch of great-grandkids down to the garden to plant a few vegetables and such. 

Of course, little Luke didn't do much "gardening".  He more or less just played in the dirt and messed up the rows and mounds that his great-grandpa had meticulously worked on.  But, I'm sure Papaw was still smiling from ear to ear as his little "helpers" did more harm than good as they attempted to "garden something". 

Sometimes, I bet that's how it is with our heavenly Father.  When we look at our own efforts, it seems to that we don't accomplish much.  Sometimes, it might even seem that we do more harm than good. But God Almighty desires that we join Him in His work.  It's not about whether or not you make mistakes...  It's just about joining Him in the work that He's already doing....

Jesus reminded us that there is a need for more gardeners to help:
...so pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.  Matthew 9:38 NLT

Maybe we should all be asking, "I want to garden somethin'!  Can I help you garden somethin'?" 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lessons from Children

The old expression (which actually originated in the Bible), states,  “Out of the mouths of babes.” Art Linkletter used a similar phrase when he stated, “Kids say the darndest things.”  The expression recognizes that children often surprise us with things they say, particular insight, honesty, and perspective.  
We adults would do well to listen to what kids are saying during this year’s VBS. Over and over this year, they will proclaim, “ Facing Fear, Trusting God!” From the life of Paul, they will be challenged to Dare to Change, to Speak up, to Believe, and to Stand Strong.  This theme and focus are each based on 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.”

They will sing songs that remind us that NOBODY is greater than God, that we should not be afraid, and that we should tell everybody about Jesus. They will recite the ABC’s of salvation…to admit, believe and confess. And, they will find reminders of God even in the crafts they make.  

Certainly God will speak through all the adults involved in Bible School as we share the love of God with children, but perhaps we as adults should listen to the children, too….and to be reminded that we are commanded in Matthew 18:3 to  become like little children. After all, He Himself came as a little child when He came to save the world!