Tuesday, January 27, 2015


How many friends do you have? How many names are listed in the contact section of your phone? How many Facebook friends and Twitter followers do you have?

What would happen if you invited them to church?

Surveys have repeatedly shown that over 80% of people currently not involved in church would consider visiting if someone asked them. What about your friend?

Find out on Friend Sunday, March 1, at NHBC. During the month of February, we will be sharing ways you can invite your friends to be a part of this special day. Start praying now to think of friends you can invite - it will be a day to remember!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Joshua 1:9

It's been cloudy for days and days lately. And now it is so very cold....with even colder temperatures to come. But we know Spring will come. It always comes. We can count on it.

However, today it is so good to see the sun. Did it disappear during the cloudy days? Was it completely gone from the world? No, we knew it was there even when we couldn't see it for the clouds.

Life gets that way sometimes. Day after day when life seems dreary and we feel we can't see the "Son." It feels cold and dreary and we long for those times to pass. But then, too, the Son is there...He always is, we can count on it. What a wonderful promise for the New Year!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.