Thursday, July 27, 2017

Big Ear

When I was in the fourth grade, my dad bought me a Big Ear for Christmas. Sold by Radio Shack, the Big Ear promised to allow you to hear sounds from hundreds of yards away: birds chirping, squirrels chattering, your big sister talking on the phone. The photo is of me in the fourth grade along with my teacher and a fellow student along with our rendition of a personal computer (the "Electro-Thinker") made out of a refrigerator box (circa 1970 Austin-American Statesman).

In reality, the Big Ear was a bit of a disappointment. The only birds I could hear were birds I could already hear, only with more static. The squirrels didn't seem to be chattering, and my sister never seemed to have any phone calls. Fortunately, we don't need a Big Ear to hear the God's message for our life. This week, we get to listen in to what Samuel heard God say, a message vital for his time and for ours (1 Samuel 3:1-18).

See you Sunday!

Hear this message at NHBC Media

Thursday, July 20, 2017


I always thought it would be great to work in an ice cream shop. That was until I talked with someone who worked in an ice cream shop. I was going on about how great it must be to be surrounded with all flavors of ice cream when they stopped me and said, "It's great at first, but after awhile, you get sick of it."

So it goes with the things of this world. They may seem great at first, but after awhile you get sick of it. There is a deep longing for something more substantial, something with meaning, something that gives your life purpose. Join us this Sunday as we learn what Samuel discovered to be the secret to finding meaning in life, to living a godly life in a godless world (1 Samuel 2:22-25).

See you Sunday!

Hear this message at NHBC Media

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Importance of Godly Parents

"Parents are important." That obvious statement should be even more obvious. The influence of parents in our lives cannot be overestimated. Recognizing the significance, most seek to be the very best parent they can be. Fortunately, the Bible provides clear instruction and examples of how to be a godly parent. In 1 Samuel 2:18-19, Elkanah and Hannah provide a simple story with a powerful example. Join us this Sunday as we learn the significance of godly parenting.

Hear this message at NHBC Media

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Prayer Warrior

The recent movie War Room told the story of a woman who sees her family transformed through the power of prayer. This Sunday, we look at the biblical account of Hannah's prayer (1 Samuel 2:6-10) and learn how the prayer of praise can revolutionize our life.

See you Sunday!

Hear this message at NHBC Media

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Best Teacher there will ever be

Backpack Giveaway registration has begun at our church. Long gone are the days where you just needed two #2 pencils and a pad of paper. Today's list vary from grade to grade, and even from school to school. Sometimes, getting the list still doesn't solve your dilemma. "A package of markers"--which colors--broad or skinny--what SIZE package? Gum eraser, beveled eraser, pink eraser.... Composition and spiral notebooks in specific colors... Folders WITH pockets, WITHOUT pockets, with brads, three-hole punched just goes on and on. The tools of learning sure have changed.

Thankfully, learning from God has not. It requires only an open, humble heart and being willing to take time and really listen. Lots of tools can help--certainly reading and studying His word, sharing in small groups at church, accessing study helps, but most of all, just ASKING Him. He longs to show us more of Himself, and to lead us in the correct ways to protect us. Unlike worldly education, we are to be lifelong learners of Christ. No matter how long we live, we will not learn it all, but what a blessing to have so many riches right at our disposal. School should always be IN for Christians!