We've had some interesting weather of
late. On the day I'm writing this, the recorded high temperature
dropped almost fifty degrees from the previous day. That would not
have mattered when I was ten. No, I didn't tolerate temperature
changes better when I was younger. I had a broken thermometer. It was
permanently stuck on 75 degrees. No matter what, it was always the
perfect weather.
But of course it wasn't. Even if the
thermometer read 75, it was still 10 degrees outside. It was a good
day to have a coat and mittens, no matter what the thermometer said.
Sometimes our spiritual thermometer
gets stuck. Through neglect, inattention, and apathy, we often don't
notice the lag in our enthusiasm for serving the Lord, and suddenly
it has been weeks since the last time we read our Bible or prayed.
The solution is simple - use a
thermometer that works. Satan will provide all kinds of excuses not
to do so, but make the scripture a constant part of every day. Spend
time reading God's word every day, and listen for his voice. Allow
God's Holy Spirit to use the wisdom of His Word to take your
spiritual temperature. Memorize scripture to take it with you as you
go through the day. You'll find God warming your heart, no matter
what the weather.
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is God-breathed and is
useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
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