Thursday, July 23, 2015

Lunch Box

I went through several lunch boxes in my day. I had a red and black checked lunch box that looked like a miniature checkerboard. I stuck Chiquita Banana stickers on all the black boxes until I had covered the entire lunchbox. It was great - until my mom threw the lunch box away.

Then I had a Beverly Hillbillies lunch box with a photo of the Clampett truck that now resides down at the College of the Ozarks. The lunch boxes are currently selling for $175 to $250 on Ebay. Unfortunately, my mom threw that one away, too.

For the rest of my academic career, I had brown paper bags. That way, I could throw them away, and save my mom the trouble. The good news is, mom always packed a great lunch. I had exactly what I needed to get me through the day - a peanut butter sandwich, a bag of chips, and a banana with a sticker just the right size for the squares on my first lunch box (as well as a great hat for Ellie Mae in the Clampett truck).

This week's message describes a story from the life of Elisha (2 Kings 4:1-7) that demonstrates why we don't have to worry - we serve a God who has everything that we need.

Hope to see you Sunday!

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