Text messaging is changing the way we
communicate. Not only is the technology changing the way we send our
message, it's changing the message itself. Text messages, by nature,
have to be short. My thumbs can only type so many words at a time.
Necessity being the mother of invention, we have witnessed the rise
of the emoji. These small symbols, originally faces created with
colons for eyes and symbols for the mouth, have evolved into little
drawings to express emotions that used to require an entire
paragraph. For example, "The guy in front of me in the checkout line is taking forever to finish. I have no idea when I will get home for dinner. It is entirely possible that I'm going to spend the rest of my life reading the gum wrappers at Walmart." has become :\
This week, we look at the second of the
Christmas announcements, the angel informing Mary that she would give
birth to the Son of God. Her amazingly brief acceptance of the Lord's
call on her life reveals how we should all be ready, when the Lord
calls, to say "Yes."
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