Wednesday, August 10, 2016


It's beginning to cool down outside (although sometimes it certainly doesn't feel like it). The days are getting shorter, the summer flowers are slowly ceasing to bloom and school is about to start. It all points to another season about to occur. Soon the leaves will turn and fall, there will be a chill in the air, pumpkins will be picked and we'll start planning for Thanksgiving. And before we blink in Fall, winter will sneak up on us. The seasons come and go every year.

Similarly in our lives, seasons change. We graduate, get jobs, perhaps marry and have children, and sometimes seasons are tough, like winter's bite. Loved ones die, jobs end, illnesses appear, and disappointments come. Life, like the weather, is always changing--it's part of the cycle. Ben Franklin is attributed to saying, 'nothing is certain but death and taxes.' But is THAT really true? Jesus might return before the death of several, and lawmakers continually change the way taxes are collected. So what IS certain? JESUS is THE SAME, yesterday, today and matter the season outside or in our lives. What a blessing. So thankful.

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