Monday, August 8, 2011

New Calendar

I recently had to update my calendar. My old calendar was on software that is no longer compatible with my computer, so I had to make a change. That meant typing in each event for the coming year. Software does simplify that task, to an extent, but I still had to review each day one by one. That's always a humbling project. Some days were full to overflowing; other days are waiting for new adventures to present themselves.

Jesus knew what he would be doing everyday. Mary and Joseph learned that truth when, after searching for the young Jesus after a trip to Jerusalem, they found him at the temple. Jesus told them:

Luke 2:49
“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”

The scripture says that at the time, Mary and Joseph didn't know what Jesus meant, but all they had to do was look at his calendar. Jesus' Day-timer would have said the same thing each day - “Being about my father's business.” I could eliminate much clutter from my life if I would learn this same truth and apply it to my life. And my calendar.

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