Thursday, October 20, 2016

Best Laid Plans

The quote "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" comes from the poem "To a Mouse" written by Robert Burns. According to legend, Burns wrote the poem after plowing a field one day and inadvertently destroying the nest of a mouse. Burns' brother reportedly said that the poem was written while the poet was still leaning on the plow. Burns went on to become a world famous poet. No word about what happened to the mouse.

Moses knew a few things about plans going awry. His first attempt to free the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt didn't quite go the way Moses had planned. However, Moses was about to learn a valuable lesson we all need to realize - just because things don't work out the way we planned does not mean God is not at work (Exodus 5:22-23). Find out this Sunday how this important truth can revolutionize the way you approach life.

Listen to this message at NHBC Media

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