Thursday, November 3, 2016

One More Step

Standing on the high dive wasn't the hard part. Swimming in the deep end wasn't that bad. It was the part between the high dive and swimming in the pool that bothered me. But there I was, on the end of the 10,000 meter diving board (at least it felt like it was that tall). One swimming instructor and fifteen third graders behind me were encouraging me. Actually, they were yelling for me to get out of the way, but it didn't matter. I didn't hear anything they said. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my body hitting the water at 700 mph.

Then my instructor called out, "All you have to do is take one more step." And I did - and lived to tell about it. Actually, it was pretty fun. Before the day was out, I was doing cannon balls that would make a perfect score in the Olympics, if that was allowed in competition.

One more step. That's what the nation of Israel needed to do. They had reached a point in the Exodus experience which, if they continued, meant no going back (Exodus 13:21-22). When we learn to walk by faith, we will experience the same promise they found to be true. Join us Sunday and find that "one more step" for your life.

Hear this message at NHBC Media

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